Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A picture is worth it!

This is a picture of my favorite comic character, Satchel, the pooch from the Get Fuzzy strip.
This is also the look I get from my cat, Milo, when he wants fed.

I have tried to remember to look how to publish photos here, but I keep forgetting to look for those instructions. That's the way with most of my day, I keep going all the way to the store just to get something, but forget what it was I was going there for and getting something I did not want but thought I might need, and when getting home remembering the whole ugly incident. I do this many times at home, I am walking all over the house wondering why I am in that particular room at that time and my wife looks like she is wondering the same thing.

Drawing on my past

I am making the most out of the few days left I have before I begin the new job. I left my old job, (the "new job is chill" job) three weeks ago. I'm 50 and having to ask to go to the bathroom was insulting enough, before I realized these people were SERIOUS! My new job is almost the same: talking to people that have problems and working on those difficulties to their resolution. I am told by the young man that told me about the position, that I will be better there than I was at the old phone gig.
As a youth I loved to talk on the phone. And the fact that no one hardly ever called me did not deflect my desire to hold a hunk of plastic to my ear, I called everyone. It was a wonder to me that almost everyone seemed to be in the shower when I called them, Today's youth have it much better with cell phones, I see them everyday just standing in line at the winn dixie just jabberring about, waving their arms and acting like they're standing in front of the person they are chattering to, like they could see them.
I was in Kabalah class last night when I looked over to my right and saw the notebook that Ara has her notes in. Big letters on the front reflected the word: KaBlah.! I laughed and luckily she laughed at me. Then I thought of Ka-blah-blah, and I knew almost instantly I was going to be starting a new blog with that name. But on further reflection I will not do that, my blog here is way more than sufficient.
Yesterday I drew.