My Merkabah
The time I received my disability payment the first time, I went to a little odd shop I know and bought some nice little things for me. I bought a crystal, some incense and a nice small sculpted piece of some crystal, i dont know which, that was 'carved' into the shape of a merkabah. Its a spifey lil thing that creates thought for me. It sat on a shelf and occasionally I would take it up and pass it across mu fingers, twisting it and seeing the various shapes its outline would present to me. A square, and other as of yet unknown shapes, but most perculiar to me when turned and held in a certain way, the outline, the cameo was the star of david!
This was particularly fascinating to me, and then, I would replace the object to its dusty setting. Now I have taken the time to again hold and turn the lil thing and now, I don't know how or why, but I can see many more things than I have ever seen before. I am supposing that the reason I am seeing such newly fresh thoughts and visions is because I am coming up on 400 days fasting from pork. I believe that I am entering into a vision quest of Gnostic Mysticism. I am now reading from the Kabala, and authors about the Jewish mysticism of the late twevlth century, AD. I will post more later and let you know what I find out.