Kaballah Cake Part 2
Last night's Kaballah class went great! I spent the entire day baking and icing the four layer Kaballah cake. I used small 8" disposable cake rounds for the layers. The bottom layer was chocolate and the next layer up was confettii, the next layer up was yellow and the top layer was classic white cake. I used a small scrap of drawing paper rolled up to make the small cylindrical holes that went through all four layers. The top was iced with chocolate icing, leaving the colors of the icing visible, in the pattern of the ten separate. The sides were also iced leaving the bottom layer, the world of form un-iced as this is our world, and what we can see here is un-veiled.
It must have weighed twenty pounds. But most of the class ate some and it was a hit. The next time I will do it even better, and hopefully then I will post a photo. So Be It~!~