Thursday, September 08, 2005

My Dream Job

It may sound totally unbelievable, but I turned down a job I called about. I've been looking for employment in a part-time status. I can't make any supplemental income which would have the chance to total more than $810 in a given month. I can only look for part-time work, which by the way I did find, and a good part-time job I did indeed find! I'm going to take orders over the phone for a large nationally organized sportswear shirt and cap distribution company.

The job I turned down was more up my alley. I would be working in a warehouse doing production acrylic painting, where all I would do would be paint a little wave, or a beach or whatever, 200 times a day, and the end of the day would find repetitive work done by 25-30 artists that culminated in 250 paintings each a replica of one another. It may sound awful and depressing, but I personally have looked for a job like this for a long time, and they weren't taking any part-timers! Ugh!