Thirty days
I have been feeling quite asunder these last thirty days. My health is failing, and I have chosen this format to quelsh my longing to share things I have to share. I was told once, at a young christians conference that to read one chapter of the book of Proverbs each day for thirty days. I've never done it. I'm now practicing a spiritual path, and probably has a lot more to do with Pythagoras than Jesus. My Higher my Higher Power, that's it. But when I was feeling so bad last night, I did say to 'God' that I needed a few more days. I woke up this morning, and my heart wasn't pounding, it wasn't hurting. I have a few more days I guess.
I went to study the acoustical effects of the Continental Cathedral naive versus the English cathedral naive, in 1974. And my art bloomed in Paris, in the late Spring, in May. I went to the Paris school of art, and heard a professor say that Picasso once said that for an aspiring artist were to become very good, he or she would sketch everyday... for thirty days. I've never done it. I think I tried a few dozen times, but those mind and mood altering substances always got in the way, or just plain didn't care about being a better artist than what I was born with.
I had a watercolor professor in College that said something about doing a watercolor a day for thirty days, and I did do that once.
In Narcotics Anonymous I learned that if I really had wanted to get clean, once and for all, that I had to come to a meeting everyday... for ninty days. And I have done that... a few times even. I really wanted that for my life, more than religion... more than talent... even more than Art.
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