Monday, May 31, 2004

Watercolors - 1

I painted today! And I experienced the act of painting like I always do, and often forget. I started this painting and about a quarter of the way through I got totally frustrated with it, started on another sheet of paper, and then realized that I had better finish the first one, as I did not have the materials to finish the second one, as I was outside and away from home. So back to the frustration. Halfway through I just let go! I started to trust my intuition and soon, what I had thought was a disaster became a work I was fast becoming proud of. I continued to trust in my abandon and was creating quite a stir within my psyche. I was losing myself completely and had to sit on my hands three times. I finally was able to get up and walk away from my work, and surley I am always glad when that happens, as I know all too well, what mud looks like.

I walked over and got some clean water and when I got back I saw two areas to concentrate on, and once started, I was finally finished.

I produced a work that I was quite proud of. And remembering that just minutes before I had abandoned this work, I remembered how frustration is always a cornerstone for me, in painting watercolors.


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